20.05.2012, 08:47
ok.. but if i want dialog look like this etc:
than i must do this, if i undersood:
format(coordsstring2, sizeof(coordsstring2), "| Level: %d |\n", level);
strcat(coordsstring2, coordsstring);
format(coordsstring2, sizeof(coordsstring2), "| Sex: %d |\n", atext);
strcat(coordsstring2, coordsstring);
and this goes at the and of the dialog..??
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Stats", coordsstring, "Close", "")
And all of that i must put at : ShowPlayerDialog or?
And one more question, how can i put that in dialog above OOC stats writes OOC STATS, and above IC stats writes IC STATS ??
than i must do this, if i undersood:
format(coordsstring2, sizeof(coordsstring2), "| Level: %d |\n", level);
strcat(coordsstring2, coordsstring);
format(coordsstring2, sizeof(coordsstring2), "| Sex: %d |\n", atext);
strcat(coordsstring2, coordsstring);
and this goes at the and of the dialog..??
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Stats", coordsstring, "Close", "")
And all of that i must put at : ShowPlayerDialog or?
And one more question, how can i put that in dialog above OOC stats writes OOC STATS, and above IC stats writes IC STATS ??