Help with my server

Are you sure you have the right plugins, includes, etc, for the gamemode?

Try updating needed plugins to the latest (including the .inc files), make sure you're using .dll for windows and .so for linux too. Re-compile the GM with the new includes/plugins loaded and try again.

Messages In This Thread
Help with my server - by John Pearson - 19.05.2012, 21:18
Re: Help with my server - by [FMJ]PowerSurge - 19.05.2012, 21:23
Re: Help with my server - by sniperwars - 19.05.2012, 22:16
Re: Help with my server - by $$inSane - 20.05.2012, 01:11
Re: Help with my server - by int3s0 - 20.05.2012, 12:17
Re: Help with my server - by [FMJ]PowerSurge - 20.05.2012, 12:18

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