I need help

Originally Posted by Trawltrawl
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But you didn't type else (cough im embarresed right now)
Your script did work, but when i typed /ak47, and i had 0 money it said
"You don't have enough money!"
"You just bought an ak400"
And i had an ak400 with -100 money, so basicly your script doesn't work :P
That is because he failed a little. Here is his code (modified correctly):
pawn Код:
if (strcmp("/ak47", cmdtext, true, 5) == 0)
        if(GetPlayerMoney(playerid) < 100) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA,"You don't have enough money to buy an AK47!");
        GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 30, 1000);
        GivePlayerMoney(playerid, -100);
        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA,"You've bought an AK47!");

Messages In This Thread
I need help - by Trawltrawl - 07.04.2012, 14:29
Re: I need help - by Aira - 07.04.2012, 14:38
Re: I need help - by ivanVU - 07.04.2012, 14:41
Re: I need help - by Shabi RoxX - 07.04.2012, 14:42
Re: I need help - by Trawltrawl - 07.04.2012, 14:44
Re: I need help - by ivanVU - 07.04.2012, 14:45
Re: I need help - by Trawltrawl - 07.04.2012, 14:49
Re: I need help - by ivanVU - 07.04.2012, 14:52
Re: I need help - by Shabi RoxX - 07.04.2012, 14:56
Re: I need help - by DaRealShazz - 18.05.2012, 03:20

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