Locked vehicle

Hey im just wondering how i can make it so if a players presses f and the car is locked it will send them a message saying this cars locked etc etc

i have a general idea but am not to sure just tell me what you need to make this ill give you the code for the car being locked
 if(playerVariables[x][pCarLock] == 1)

Messages In This Thread
Locked vehicle - by a!DaN)_)-) - 17.05.2012, 00:03
Re: Locked vehicle - by Pizzy - 17.05.2012, 00:05
Re: Locked vehicle - by a!DaN)_)-) - 17.05.2012, 00:06
Re: Locked vehicle - by a!DaN)_)-) - 17.05.2012, 00:30
Re: Locked vehicle - by Jonny5 - 17.05.2012, 01:12
Re: Locked vehicle - by a!DaN)_)-) - 17.05.2012, 01:21

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