16.05.2012, 14:19
Hi,I have created a registering dialog and now I have a problem,the years value is +50 than entered.
In the scriptfiles/user_name.txt the years are the one that I entered in registration dialog but when I want to see my stats over the /stats command the years are +50 than entered.
Here is the stock that I'm using to read the years from the file:
In the scriptfiles/user_name.txt the years are the one that I entered in registration dialog but when I want to see my stats over the /stats command the years are +50 than entered.
CMD:stats(playerid) { new string[512]; new spole[512]; switch(GetPVarInt(playerid,"Spol")) { case 0:(spole="musko"); case 1:(spole="zensko"); } format(string,sizeof(string),"{FF0000}Ime i Prezime:{00FF00}%s\n\n{FF0000}E-mail:{00FF00}%s\n\n{FF0000}Spol:{00FF00}%s \n\n{FF0000}Godine:{00FF00} %i ",imei(playerid),maili(playerid),spole,gods(playerid)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,stats1,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,"{FF0000}Stats",string,"U redu",""); return 1; }
stock gods(playerid) { new god[64]; new datoteka[64]; new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid,name,sizeof(name)); format(datoteka,sizeof(datoteka),"/korisnici/%s.txt",name); format(god,sizeof(god),dini_Get(datoteka,"Godine")); return god; }