[FilterScript] FullSkill For beginners

First, It's a gamemode or a filterscript? Not even you know what it is.

I have created this gamemode for beginners scripters. I am also a beginners


This Filterscript will increase your weapon and running skills.

Second, this is already done by default.
Third, Not even it is a useful snippet.

this is nothing...
at best this should have went in the Useful Sniplets Topic
ill save everyone the hassle of download and just post it here

Fourth, LOL, you used UsePlayerPedAnims in OnFilterScriptInit, this only works on OnGameModeInit.
pawn Code:
public OnFilterScriptInit()
    print(" FullSkill by Champ");
    return 1;
Fifth, I hate people that post shitty scripts to gain rep and later post in Advertise section.

Messages In This Thread
FullSkill For beginners - by Champ - 15.05.2012, 12:33
Re: FullSkill For beginners - by Jonny5 - 15.05.2012, 12:49
Re: FullSkill For beginners - by Mr.Fames - 15.05.2012, 12:51
Re: FullSkill For beginners - by Revo - 15.05.2012, 12:58
Re: FullSkill For beginners - by HaZaRaS™ - 15.05.2012, 13:01
Respuesta: FullSkill For beginners - by [Vector] - 15.05.2012, 17:31
Re: FullSkill For beginners - by richardcor91 - 15.05.2012, 21:56

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