14.05.2012, 16:40
No offence, but its poorly coded (even if you are a beginner at scripting)
/afk is 4 characters long, not 10.
/back is 5 characters long, not 10.
What if the player has 10 hp? He uses /back and his health is restored to 100
This type of afk system is released like... 100 times...
Please, at least make it a better AFK system: checking virtual world, checking interior, did the player actually move (GetPlayerPos)?
pawn Код:
if(strcmp("/afk", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
pawn Код:
if(strcmp("/back", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
pawn Код:
SetPlayerHealth(playerid, 100);
This type of afk system is released like... 100 times...
Please, at least make it a better AFK system: checking virtual world, checking interior, did the player actually move (GetPlayerPos)?