0.3e Dialog bug

Hi all,

in 0.3d R2 version, when you had an long title on the dialog, the dialog where expanded,

but now, when you have an long title, the dialog don't expend an text is cut.


Messages In This Thread
0.3e Dialog bug - by scott1 - 10.05.2012, 16:48
Re: 0.3e Dialog bug - by Revo - 10.05.2012, 18:05
Re : 0.3e Dialog bug - by scott1 - 10.05.2012, 18:12
Re: 0.3e Dialog bug - by Kar - 10.05.2012, 21:44
Re: 0.3e Dialog bug - by leong124 - 11.05.2012, 02:33
Re : Re: 0.3e Dialog bug - by scott1 - 11.05.2012, 15:09

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