[HELP] Chat Bubble

Originally Posted by c0GI
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I know! I was used a 3dtext and there is a problem! While any player runing, the 3dtext will move, up or down!

And that is the problem on 3dtext, and I want to use chat bubble becouse the chat bubble didn't move!! Chat bubble is stabilized!
Never experienced such problem with 3dText's, but well if you wanna use it with that function go for it and try it yourself, create a callback (public function, forwarded) that Sets the chat bubble to a player, then call that callback on the timer, a tip as it seems you want it permanent; put a large ammount of miliseconds on the expiretime parameter and the same on the timer, so you avoid unnecesary calls of it.

Its like saying you wanna jump of a plane with no parachute because its annoying and doesnt let you move as you wish.

Read some documentation of timers on the wiki, you will understand how to do it, if you actually read it.

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 12:41
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 12:58
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by iGetty - 10.05.2012, 12:59
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by Jonny5 - 10.05.2012, 13:00
Respuesta: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by kirk - 10.05.2012, 13:04
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by milanosie - 10.05.2012, 13:04
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 13:08
Respuesta: Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by kirk - 10.05.2012, 13:23
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 13:28
Respuesta: Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by kirk - 10.05.2012, 13:41

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