[HELP] Chat Bubble

I know! I was used a 3dtext and there is a problem! While any player runing, the 3dtext will move, up or down!

And that is the problem on 3dtext, and I want to use chat bubble becouse the chat bubble didn't move!! Chat bubble is stabilized!

Messages In This Thread
[HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 12:41
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 12:58
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by iGetty - 10.05.2012, 12:59
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by Jonny5 - 10.05.2012, 13:00
Respuesta: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by kirk - 10.05.2012, 13:04
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by milanosie - 10.05.2012, 13:04
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 13:08
Respuesta: Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by kirk - 10.05.2012, 13:23
Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by c0GI - 10.05.2012, 13:28
Respuesta: Re: [HELP] Chat Bubble - by kirk - 10.05.2012, 13:41

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