Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED]

Blank RP 1.3.1 7th December 2007
This is my 3rd release of a blank roleplay script

What it does
Forces user to log in before playing
Stores spawn weapon data and gives players spawn weapons (config required )
Saves user's money every 5 minutes
Saves users money on disconnect

How does it do it?
Using a MySQL connection (DLL and SO)

What do i need for it?
Samp server 2.2
MySQL 5.0 or higher ( on unix)

What doesnt it do?
It isnt a complete game mode, it is a base for a roleplay to be built off.
It doesnt allow uesrs to buy spawn weapons (yet). it just allows them to be pulled out of a database.

Why 1.3?
There was a big gap in the code. if you downloaded 1.2 then i recommend you to DL this instead

- Before registering
- Logged in
- Scoreboard shows money, not kills
- Auto saves of database when users quit

(please help and mirror this)


If you need any help PM me.
Thanks to LGW for the dll

Messages In This Thread
Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Jaymzanator - 01.12.2007, 19:01
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by Alejandro - 01.12.2007, 19:14
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by Jaymzanator - 01.12.2007, 19:20
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by Alejandro - 01.12.2007, 20:08
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by Jaymzanator - 01.12.2007, 20:20
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by killertehkarl - 02.12.2007, 06:12
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by Jaymzanator - 02.12.2007, 11:09
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by killertehkarl - 02.12.2007, 16:04
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server - by Jaymzanator - 02.12.2007, 19:19
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by stevvo - 03.12.2007, 17:05
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by dank - 03.12.2007, 18:18
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by dococ - 03.12.2007, 20:13
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Jaymzanator - 03.12.2007, 22:26
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by James_Bukubiza - 05.12.2007, 16:02
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Jaymzanator - 05.12.2007, 22:14
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by James_Bukubiza - 06.12.2007, 00:57
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Makoto - 07.12.2007, 04:36
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Jaymzanator - 08.12.2007, 21:59
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Jaymzanator - 08.12.2007, 22:09
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by James_Bukubiza - 08.12.2007, 23:25
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Makoto - 10.12.2007, 20:56
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Jaymzanator - 13.12.2007, 21:02
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by dafel2 - 29.12.2007, 13:18
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Skole - 29.12.2007, 19:31
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by pandabrrox - 13.01.2008, 17:49
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by chaos050 - 12.02.2008, 14:17
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by cenny - 12.04.2008, 19:54
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by drifter[CZ] - 29.07.2008, 10:35
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by vovz - 30.07.2008, 11:53
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by faloleroy - 31.07.2008, 15:11
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Mujib - 08.07.2009, 15:52
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by DMSOrg - 08.07.2009, 17:18
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by yuichi - 08.07.2009, 19:16
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Burridge - 09.07.2009, 14:31
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by yuichi - 22.07.2009, 18:15
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by James_Bukubiza - 11.08.2009, 08:02
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Burridge - 11.08.2009, 14:57
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by Tom_Dedi - 12.12.2009, 12:26
Re: Blank RP. Roleplay starting point using SQL server [UPDATED] - by vem882 - 12.12.2009, 18:37

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