10.05.2012, 07:28
Why does when i put your code i dont get any errors but when i put my i got thouse warnings
And there is the lines
(2845) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 3) (2846) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2846) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2846) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2846) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2847) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2847) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2847) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2847) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition (2847) : warning 202: number of arguments does not match definition
pawn Код:
new str[1000];
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Niks: {E11D36}%s \n{FFFFFF}Novaktie: {E11D36}%d \n{FFFFFF}Naves: {E11D36}%d \n{FFFFFF}Attieciba: {E11D36}%0.2f \n{FFFFFF}Laiks serveri: {E11D36}%d hrs %d mins %d secs \n", PlayerName2(player1), PlayerInfo[player1][Kills], PlayerInfo[player1][Deaths], Float:PlayerInfo[player1][Kills]/Float:pDeaths,GetPlayerMoney(player1), h, m, s);
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Pistol: {E11D36}%d {FFFFFF}Silenced Pistol: {E11D36}%d {FFFFFF}Desert Eagle: {E11D36}%d \n{FFFFFF}Shotgun: {E11D36}%d {FFFFFF}Sawnoff Shotgun: {E11D36}%d \n", PlayerInfo[player1][Pistolskill], PlayerInfo[player1][SilencedPistolskill], PlayerInfo[player1][DesertEagleskill],PlayerInfo[player1][Shotgunskill],PlayerInfo[player1][Sawnoffskill]);
strcat(str, "{FFFFFF}Combat Shotgun: {E11D36}%d {FFFFFF}Micro Uzi/Tec-9: {E11D36}%d {FFFFFF}MP5: {E11D36}%d {FFFFFF}AK47: {E11D36}%d \n{FFFFFF}M4A1: {E11D36}%d {FFFFFF}Rifle: {E11D36}%d", PlayerInfo[player1][Spas12shotgunskill], PlayerInfo[player1][MicroUziskill], PlayerInfo[player1][MP5skill], PlayerInfo[player1][AK47skill], PlayerInfo[player1][M4skill], PlayerInfo[player1][Sniperskill]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 531, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "{FFFFFF}Statistika.", str,"Aizvērt", "");