OnPlayerKeyStateChange [Help!]

Hello Guys.
I've lost my favorite, best little script it was really nice for my server, it was under OnPlayerKeyStateChange
And it was like this example:
When i try to enter in Vehicles who got Weapons, and press enter it says: You are not allowed to ride this vehicle.
Script was like:
Resetplayerfromveh i think.
and Client message
and some thing where was typed vehicle id's.. but i forgot..
Can someone help meh about this script or got it?
Thank you so much!

Messages In This Thread
OnPlayerKeyStateChange [Help!] - by ProdrifterX - 09.05.2012, 16:07
Re: OnPlayerKeyStateChange [Help!] - by TzAkS. - 09.05.2012, 16:17
Re: OnPlayerKeyStateChange [Help!] - by ViniBorn - 09.05.2012, 16:21

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