Per-player vehicle spawning giving me FITS!!111

OH NO!!!!!! Thats it right there....0 IS a vehicleid. CRAP. My god...I wonder if this is what made everystuff so chitty-chitty-bang-bang in the first place (when 200 cars was the limit)!?!

My car command: the only reason I didnt post it is due to it being menu based, and I wanted to root out potential issues w/ the main portion of the entire system before getting into a fight w/ menus again. I think this plan has worked to my within the first reply I'm fairly certain you've solved my problems. The CreatePlayerVehicle is passed once the player selects a car from the menu (sending the modelid) and returning playercar[playerid] at the end. Since this can be 0....the command crashes.

I'm going to do the -1 thing, and since I expect it to fix a lot of whats wrong w/ my vehicle stuff..thank you! I didn't want to make a spectacle of coming back, I didn't really know I was until a few days ago.

How are things? I miss you guys (-1 hahaha)

Messages In This Thread
Per-player vehicle spawning giving me FITS!!111 - by kaisersouse - 08.05.2012, 00:57
Re: Per-player vehicle spawning giving me FITS!!111 - by JaTochNietDan - 08.05.2012, 01:08
Re: Per-player vehicle spawning giving me FITS!!111 - by kaisersouse - 08.05.2012, 01:32
Re: Per-player vehicle spawning giving me FITS!!111 - by JaTochNietDan - 08.05.2012, 01:38
Re: Per-player vehicle spawning giving me FITS!!111 - by kaisersouse - 08.05.2012, 03:24

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