how to add weapon,s when player spawns

Originally Posted by Ballu Miaa
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Okay. You can add weapons id and ammo of the weapon under the same function your using.

For example. This is your current function.
pawn Код:
AddPlayerClassEx(0, 292, 1673.6190, -2122.3142,   14.1460, 296.6250, 0,0, 0,0, 0,0);
Now this code will give Deagle of 100 ammo to the player who will select this skin. You can add three weapons here.
pawn Код:
AddPlayerClassEx(0, 292, 1673.6190, -2122.3142,   14.1460, 296.6250, 28,100, 0,0, 0,0);
28,100, 0,0, 0,0

Just change the other zeros as well.
ballu bhai i already tried this and its not working :/

Originally Posted by LetsOWN[PL]
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And my 5 cents about my code.

pawn Код:
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 30, 50);
If you paste any code below
pawn Код:
public onPlayerSpawn(playerid)
then everything what you did will be done for playerid only and only when he spawns.
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, weaponid, ammo)
You can get all weaponid's here: SA-MP Wiki: Weapons
So if you want for example give player Minigun with 1000 rounds, then:
pawn Код:
GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, 38, 1000);
Easy, isnt it?

Wanna know anything else?

Head here:Have fun

ok i will try this and then will tell u thnx for help

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