05.05.2012, 22:46
Imagine this scenario:
So in case they aren't big enough, imagine this other scenario:
But is it really all worth the hassle? It's only a visual thing, and people sure don't play SA:MP for the next gen shaders, high-res textures and dynamic lighting effects!
My point is, I can only see this having a negative effect on gameplay while only having a small positive effect on visuals.
Just my opinion, what is everyone else's thoughts?
You are in the desert area, sneaking into an enemy base to capture a flag objective,I must say, it's been a while since I have seen the desert in SP so I'm no 100% that the bushes are exactly big enough to hide in!
on your screen you hide in a bush or behind one of these objects,
but the enemy guard has low settings and sees you just derping around in open ground, and kills you.
So in case they aren't big enough, imagine this other scenario:
You have a base in the desert, on your screen there is a small bush in the entrance to your flag room,Sure a server side setting could disable it for servers with gameplay dependent on these sorts of things.
"Perfect position for a trip-mine!"
But on another player's screen, there is no bushes so he sees the trip-mine and avoids it!
But is it really all worth the hassle? It's only a visual thing, and people sure don't play SA:MP for the next gen shaders, high-res textures and dynamic lighting effects!
My point is, I can only see this having a negative effect on gameplay while only having a small positive effect on visuals.
Just my opinion, what is everyone else's thoughts?