[Tool/Web/Other] [DEV][IOS Application] Online Server Status Checker! [DEV]

SA-MP Online Server Status Checker

Hello the people of SA-MP Forums! My name is Mads, i'm a Objective C Developer.
If you don't know what Objective C is, it's the programming language that i used in the iOS applications.

I've been planning on making this application for some time now. First i thought it would be to advanced for me.
But then i learned more, and now i know how i want to do it.

I'll be using the API by Westie and using NSURLConnection for Objective C.

I have no design ready or anything yet. I'm still trying to find a pretty good design for it.

How does it work?

You enter a IP Address inside of a textfield, then the application will go search for that IP, and get all the information you wanted. Then you can look trough the players, version, gamemode, ect.
More information will come soon!

Does my device has to be jailbroken?

I don't know if your iOS device needs to jailbroken yet. Since Apple will need to look trough the app when i submit.
If the app comes trough you won't need to jailbreak. But if it dosen't you might have to.

How much will it cost?

This Application will 100% free. I'm not looking to charge any money for this. Although after this project i might start on a RCON application. That will maybe cost a little money!


iMads - Developing the application for iOS.
Westie - Creating the API used for getting the information.


Please give feedback/ideas below. I would really appreciate it!

Thank you,

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