Simple question i guess

These boxes are part of the object interior (1 object for the whole interior!), so not even RemoveBuildingForPlayer would work. You can't do anything but map a completely new ammunation or change the object position.

Also, DestroyObject wouldn't work in this case, because it will remove an object ID by the server. For example if you add 5 objects, and use DestroyObject(3); it will destroy the third object (overall).

Messages In This Thread
Simple question i guess - by codebreaker23 - 02.05.2012, 21:09
Respuesta: Simple question i guess - by admantis - 02.05.2012, 21:13
Re: Simple question i guess - by codebreaker23 - 02.05.2012, 21:17
Re: Simple question i guess - by codebreaker23 - 02.05.2012, 21:37

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