
You have to use AttachCameraToDynamicObject and not AttachCameraToObject
You have made an object with the streamer, so you have also to attach the camera with the streamer's attach function.
It's the reason why the code from your first post doesn't work.

Messages In This Thread
AttachCameraToObject - by ReneG - 02.05.2012, 01:54
Re: AttachCameraToObject - by MP2 - 02.05.2012, 02:05
Re: AttachCameraToObject - by ReneG - 02.05.2012, 02:20
Re: AttachCameraToObject - by MP2 - 02.05.2012, 02:29
Re: AttachCameraToObject - by ReneG - 02.05.2012, 02:38
AW: AttachCameraToObject - by Nanory - 02.05.2012, 11:36
Re: AttachCameraToObject - by MP2 - 02.05.2012, 12:24

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