Possible to disable ID 0?

Hello again, I've encountered another issue. All my commands require RP names, without the '_'. So I created a custom GetPlayerNameEx(playerid), and a GetOtherPlayerNameEx(). But whenever it does a global text, whenever it is ID 0 who does it, GetOtherPlayerNameEx() shows the players name rather than the targets. But for ID 1 + they work.

So I was wondering, if their was a possible way of disabling ID 0? It would be much appreciated.

Messages In This Thread
Possible to disable ID 0? - by dholmes7512 - 01.05.2012, 20:04
Re: Possible to disable ID 0? - by Landon - 01.05.2012, 20:05
Re: Possible to disable ID 0? - by Mean - 01.05.2012, 20:11
Re: Possible to disable ID 0? - by dholmes7512 - 01.05.2012, 20:13
Re: Possible to disable ID 0? - by Vince - 01.05.2012, 20:27
Re: Possible to disable ID 0? - by dholmes7512 - 01.05.2012, 20:47

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