CMD's with levels dialog box not working

Just a bit of script,you can do the rest with this example.
else if(Level == 2){
		    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 20, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Choose a level", "Level 1\r\nLevel 2", "SELECT", "CANCEL");

public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
	if(dialogid == 20)
		if(listitem == 1)
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 13, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Level 1 Commands", "/mute\r\n/unmute\r\n/mutes\r\n/freeze\r\n/respawn", "FINISH", "");

		if(listitem == 2)
			ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 21, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "Level 2 Commands", "/fakechat\r\n/clearchat\r\n/wanted\r\n/eject", "FINISH", "");


Messages In This Thread
CMD's with levels dialog box not working - by wilko1995 - 01.05.2012, 14:45
Re: CMD's with levels dialog box not working - by TzAkS. - 01.05.2012, 15:55
Re: CMD's with levels dialog box not working - by wilko1995 - 01.05.2012, 23:57

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