Help needed

Loose indentation just means it's not indented properly. Each 'level' should be indented one level, so the opening and closing braces/brackets are aligned. This makes code easier to read:

pawn Код:
CMD:test(playerid, params[])
    return 1;
As for the fourth error, you already declared a variable called 'idcar' so re-name it and any related to it.

Messages In This Thread
Help needed - by HighPitchedVoice - 01.05.2012, 09:56
[No subject] - by HighPitchedVoice - 01.05.2012, 10:02
Re: Help needed - by HighPitchedVoice - 01.05.2012, 10:21
Re: Help needed - by MP2 - 01.05.2012, 12:42
Re: Help needed - by HighPitchedVoice - 01.05.2012, 12:47
Re: Help needed - by MP2 - 01.05.2012, 12:51
Re: Help needed - by HighPitchedVoice - 01.05.2012, 13:05
Re: Help needed - by MP2 - 01.05.2012, 13:11

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