Dialog Text

I tryed to do something like
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,1,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"This text...\nAnother Text"," Something\n Somethingn Something\n Something","Ok","Cancel");
Is making a new row but the text is a litle bit biger,how can i format the text for a smaller size?

Messages In This Thread
Dialog Text - by TzAkS. - 01.05.2012, 10:03
AW: Dialog Text - by Drebin - 01.05.2012, 10:13
Re: Dialog Text - by X3nZ - 01.05.2012, 10:14
Re: Dialog Text - by TzAkS. - 01.05.2012, 10:17
Re: Dialog Text - by Luis- - 01.05.2012, 10:30
Re: Dialog Text - by Rapgangsta - 01.05.2012, 12:33
Re: Dialog Text - by FarSe. - 01.05.2012, 12:40
Re: Dialog Text - by IstuntmanI - 01.05.2012, 12:42

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