KINGJ host assist request.

If you're connecting to your own local MySQL database from our servers (or anyone else's for that matter) you'll need to use your external IP and ensure that you have unfirewalled and forwarded the port as appropriate.

However, hosting a MySQL database anywhere other than the same location as your server is a very bad idea. As MySQL queries are a blocking operation (except for threaded queries) you will experience significant lag if you use an external MySQL server. Due to this, we offer free local MySQL hosting for databases, indeed I believe most hosts offer this because of the issues with external databases.

I have replied the support ticket you submitted a few hours ago with details for your new MySQL database. Please let us know, preferably via the ticket as we check that more often than the forums, if you have any further problems or questions.

You also appear to have listed your MySQL root password in your previous reply, you may want to remove that and change your password.

Messages In This Thread
KINGJ host assist request. - by AdamCooper - 01.05.2012, 01:04
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by ColorHost-Kevin - 01.05.2012, 02:10
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by AdamCooper - 01.05.2012, 02:20
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by Saurik - 01.05.2012, 02:41
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by AdamCooper - 01.05.2012, 02:59
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by Saurik - 01.05.2012, 03:00
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by AdamCooper - 01.05.2012, 03:03
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by KingJ - 01.05.2012, 08:00
Re: KINGJ host assist request. - by AdamCooper - 01.05.2012, 14:23

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