Weird lag issues

Before I get started, this may be caused by internet.
My internet is quite bad currently for some reason, and I am not sure why. My ISP doesn't know either.
But I have played COD 4 and didn't experience very bad lag.

So, during my day, when I play SA:MP, everything is fine.
Once it becomes night time, and probably 8PM and later, til maybe 10 AM the next morning, I experience HORRIBLE lag issues.

It's not ping lag, because when I talk, it will respond on my screen straight away, with the odd occasion where the chatbox has stopped and frozen.
The server I play, which I won't say, has a bit of mapping around the place.
With this lag, mapping does not render, nor do other people in the game(unless rendered before I start lagging).
I can relog, and possibly for the first few minutes I am running fine, but then it starts lagging again.

I don't think pictures are needed, as I think I explained what is happening.

Thanks in advance for all help,
it's really starting to annoy me.

( Night time in my timezone is when the server gets more populated )

Messages In This Thread
Weird lag issues - by cosbraa - 28.04.2012, 13:47
Re: Weird lag issues - by StevenIceman - 29.04.2012, 04:02
Re: Weird lag issues - by AhmadKing - 29.04.2012, 10:26
Re: Weird lag issues - by StevenIceman - 30.04.2012, 00:13

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