Dialog list can't choose an option

I am unable to choose one of the vehicle options...it does the same as it would if I were to press cancel

public OnDialogResponse(playerid,dialogid,response,listitem,inputtext[])

	    Float:Pos[4]={-1969.3022, 309.2212, 34.9013},
	if(dialogid == DIALOG_CARBUY&& Total_Player_Vehicles[playerid]<= MAX_OWNABLE_VEH&& Total_Veh_Created < MAX_BUYABLE_VEH)
		if(!response){ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, -1, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "", "", "", "");}
				case 0:
					ivModel = VEH1;
				case 1:
					ivModel = VEH2;
				case 2:
					ivModel = VEH3;
				case 3:
					ivModel = VEH4;
public OnPlayerEnterDynamicCP(playerid,checkpointid)
	if(checkpointid == CP_CARBUY)
	    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,DIALOG_CARBUY,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,"Ottos Vehicle Dealership","Infernus($1,000,000)\nSuper GT($1,200,000)\nUranus($700,000)\nNRG-500($900,000)","Buy","Cancel");

Messages In This Thread
Dialog list can't choose an option - by vvhy - 27.04.2012, 15:50
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by Rudy_ - 27.04.2012, 16:12
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by Ballu Miaa - 27.04.2012, 16:18
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by HDFord - 27.04.2012, 16:26
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by vvhy - 27.04.2012, 16:43
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by Ballu Miaa - 27.04.2012, 17:02
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by vvhy - 27.04.2012, 17:16
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by HDFord - 27.04.2012, 17:19
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by Ballu Miaa - 27.04.2012, 17:19
Re: Dialog list can't choose an option - by HDFord - 27.04.2012, 17:30

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