Server wont show up

I used to run a hamachi server and it is easy all you need to do is put the port you want then run the server with the port then go on your hamachi and find your hamachi IP and then paste that with the port, heres mine (isn't online cause I port forwarded it) Hamachi ip|port > and add it to your fav on SA-MP (your ip and port) then it should come up

Messages In This Thread
Server wont show up - by HarrySidwell - 19.04.2012, 20:03
Re: Server wont show up - by JoeyDeBlob - 19.04.2012, 20:57
Re: Server wont show up - by HarrySidwell - 19.04.2012, 21:28
Re: Server wont show up - by Universal Member - 20.04.2012, 09:15
Re: Server wont show up - by calzo2011 - 25.04.2012, 17:33
Re: Server wont show up - by Guest9328472398472 - 25.04.2012, 21:32

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