Originally Posted by HazardGaming
pawn Код:
CMD:adminduty(playerid, params[]) { if(PlayerData[ID][AdminDuty] == 0) if(PlayerData[ID][AdminLevel] >= 1) { SetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerData[playerid][AdminName]); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "You are now on admin duty"); SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Type /adminduty to go on admin duty"); format(str2, sizeof(str2),"Admin %s Is now online",PlayerData[playerid][AdminName]); SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_NAVY); SendClientMessageToAll(COLOR_GREEN,str2); else { // Do off duty stuff here! } } return 1; }
I mean how would i be able to get it so when that player goes off duty the players name changes back to the original one
Thank You
Please Help Me Please