23.04.2012, 18:29
Sorry for double post,
Ok I came up with this stock
How would I still use the "syntax" message?
EDIT: and the timer?
Ok I came up with this stock
stock ShowErrorMessage( playerid, string[] ) { if( PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0 ) return 1; PlayerTextDrawShow( playerid, ErrorMessage[playerid] ); new strings[128]; format( strings, 128, "Error: %s", string ); PlayerTextDrawSetString( playerid, ErrorMessage[playerid], strings ); SetTimerEx("HideErrorMessage", 3850, false, "d", playerid ); PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1085, 0, 0, 0 ); return 1; }
EDIT: and the timer?
SetTimerEx("HideErrorMessage", 3850, false, "d", 1337);