Re-initializing the mouse?

pawn Code:
            if ( response )
                if( !strlen ( inputtext ) )
                    return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Incorrect password!", "You have entered an incorrect password. Please try again!\n\nNot your account? Type \"/q\" and change your name in the SA:MP browser!", "Submit", "Back" );

                if ( udb_hash ( inputtext ) == accInfo [ playerid ] [ Passcode ] )
                    INI_ParseFile( accPath ( playerid ), "LoadAccount_%s", .bExtra = true, .extra = playerid);

                    accLoggedIn [ playerid ] = 1; // They are now 'logged in'!

                    GivePlayerMoney ( playerid, accInfo [ playerid ] [ Cash ] );

                    HideStartupTextdraws( playerid );

                    SetSpawnInfo ( playerid, 255, accInfo [ playerid ] [ Model ], 0, 0, 10.0, 0.0, 4, 1, 24, 999, 31, 100 );
                    SpawnPlayer ( playerid );
                else return ShowPlayerDialog( playerid, DIALOG_LOGIN, DIALOG_STYLE_PASSWORD, "Incorrect password!", "You have entered an incorrect password. Please try again!\n\nNot your account? Type \"/q\" and change your name in the SA:MP browser!", "Submit", "Back" );
            else if ( !response )
                //They hit 'back'
                CancelSelectTextDraw ( playerid );
                SelectTextDraw( playerid, 0xC90411FF );
Not working. :3

Messages In This Thread
Re-initializing the mouse? - by 2KY - 22.04.2012, 15:26
Re: Re-initializing the mouse? - by MP2 - 22.04.2012, 15:50
Re: Re-initializing the mouse? - by 2KY - 22.04.2012, 16:06
Re: Re-initializing the mouse? - by MP2 - 22.04.2012, 16:58
Re: Re-initializing the mouse? - by 2KY - 22.04.2012, 19:46
Re: Re-initializing the mouse? - by 2KY - 22.04.2012, 20:06
Re: Re-initializing the mouse? - by MP2 - 22.04.2012, 20:33

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