Convert a timestamp to countdown

Well first you need to get the number of seconds left, so do time_he_will_be_unmuted-gettime(), that will give you how many seconds are left, then divide by 60 to find out how many hours, then use modulo (%) to find out how many minutes/seconds.

Messages In This Thread
Convert a timestamp to countdown - by ThomasTailor93 - 21.04.2012, 23:33
Re: Convert a timestamp to countdown - by [HiC]TheKiller - 22.04.2012, 00:07
AW: Convert a timestamp to countdown - by ThomasTailor93 - 22.04.2012, 02:01
Re: Convert a timestamp to countdown - by MP2 - 22.04.2012, 02:15
AW: Convert a timestamp to countdown - by ThomasTailor93 - 22.04.2012, 02:43
Re: Convert a timestamp to countdown - by MP2 - 22.04.2012, 02:49
AW: Convert a timestamp to countdown - by ThomasTailor93 - 22.04.2012, 03:00
AW: Convert a timestamp to countdown - by ThomasTailor93 - 22.04.2012, 14:39

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