Is this a bug? Perhaps textdraw related.

Alright, but I'm still not sure what causes it because it happens only randomly and sometimes, for example, I was driving around and suddenly blocky GUI. This can be fixed by relogging but that's not the best solution! I start suspecting it's the speedometer code with a update frequency of 1000 milliseconds, which the whole text merged with strcat would look like this:

~r~engine~r~seatbelt~n~~w~fuel:~b~ %d~n~~w~health:~b~ %0.1f~n~~w~speed:~b~ %d~n~~w~miles:~b~ %0.1f
I've put this code to check if the amount of ~ is even or odd, and it returned it was even. I really can't determine the flaw, I'd really appreciate a hand.

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