[GameMode] [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:.

It is very nice for your first script, though its very basic, but i noticed that you are not all the time identing your script correctly, if you need any help related to identitation, please check out this link:

Click me

I am not saying this as i mean it in a bad way, i am just suggesting you to take a look at it. As i have seen
you are mostly identing your script with "SPACES", you can easily press TAB as it moves your script 4 spaces forward, depending on your tabsize in pawn. Good luck with your further scripts!

Messages In This Thread
[GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by .:*Starstrike*:. - 24.11.2008, 00:06
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by Extremo - 24.11.2008, 00:52
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by .:*Starstrike*:. - 01.04.2009, 19:03
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by [BFN]Stunter - 01.04.2009, 20:02
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by Kirkmaster10 - 01.04.2009, 20:47
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by .:*Starstrike*:. - 04.04.2009, 19:24
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by Double-O-Seven - 04.04.2009, 23:42
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by Kirkmaster10 - 05.04.2009, 10:28
Re: [GM]DMania by .:*Starstrike*:. - by NinjaCroko - 25.04.2009, 15:34

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