SetObjectMaterialText Color embedding

I tried to make the color embedding work.
But it failed, when I enabled the background.

Whitout it it works.

pawn Код:
new sign = CreateObject(19481,2041.3943,1344.8367,10.6719,0,0,0,300);
SetObjectMaterialText(sign,"Look {FF0000}here",0,OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128,"Arial",24,0,0xFFFFFFFF,0xFFFFFF00);

Messages In This Thread
SetObjectMaterialText Color embedding - by NetKiel - 21.04.2012, 14:13
AW: SetObjectMaterialText Color embedding - by xXGaryXx - 21.04.2012, 19:47
Re: SetObjectMaterialText Color embedding - by Vince - 21.04.2012, 22:33

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