21.04.2012, 10:22
pawn Код:
//forwards and new
new Text:Announcements;
forward RandomMessage();
new RandomMessages[][] =
"Suspect of ~r~Cheaters? ~w~Use ~y~/report [id] [Reason]",
"Respect ~b~all server ~y~Rules!",
"Buy a ~g~VIP ~w~Account ~b~Today! For access lot of new ~y~features!",
"You not visited our ~g~site?~w~ Visit now: ~p~www.nbtdm.tk",
"This Gamemode Is Made By The ~r~[NB]~g~Special ~b~Script ~p~Team~w~!",
"Haven't ~r~Registered ~w~yet to the ~b~Site~w~ :O?Join Us Today ~p~www.~r~nbtdm~g~.tk",
"The [NB]Community Welcome You At ~g~[NBTDM]~W~And ~b~Stunts~w~[BETA] ~r~Server~w~!",
"Want to join ~p~[NB]~r~No ~g~Balance ~b~Clan?Register at ~p~wWw.~r~nobalance.~g~tk~b~!"
//under gamemodeinit
Announcements = TextDrawCreate(7.000000, 432.000000, " ");
TextDrawBackgroundColor(Announcements, 255);
TextDrawFont(Announcements, 1);
TextDrawLetterSize(Announcements, 0.280000, 0.899999);
TextDrawColor(Announcements, -1);
TextDrawSetOutline(Announcements, 1);
TextDrawShowforPlayer(playerid, Announcements)
//public function
public RandomMessage()
if(ServerInfo[Announce] == 1)
TextDrawSetString(Announcements, RandomMessages[random(sizeof(RandomMessages))]);
return 1;