MySQL Or Yini?

I'm pretty new to Pawno/samp scripting, I have read a bit about the data saving options and it seems like there is 2 favorites.
MySQL and Yini.

My question is pretty simple
wich of them is better, faster loading data, faster to script with when you know them, easier to learn ( i have read a little bit about them both so i pretty much know the same about them.) and wich of them do you recommend for me to use and Why?

I have also seen some kind of different types of SQL what's the difference?

I will use it for trying to create some kind of RP server.

(something other i should know about them both?)

It should also be a big help if you could link some nice tutorials on how to learn the one you think is better.

Thanks to everyone that are willing to help me with this question.

Messages In This Thread
MySQL Or Yini? - by Ranama - 20.04.2012, 20:58
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by Georgi166 - 20.04.2012, 21:02
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by POL_george - 20.04.2012, 21:08
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by MP2 - 20.04.2012, 21:08
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by POL_george - 20.04.2012, 21:11
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by Ranama - 20.04.2012, 21:23
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by POL_george - 20.04.2012, 21:27
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by Vince - 20.04.2012, 21:31
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by Ainseri - 20.04.2012, 21:42
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by Steamator - 20.04.2012, 21:44
Re: MySQL Or Yini? - by iNorton - 20.04.2012, 21:45

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