dafuq? o_O

Avast detected a dropbox link which contained a virus.
You assume (and I'll believe you, to make things easy) it has something to do with this forum.
The only way someone can share a virus here (without being obvious) is through his signature.
Someone must have had the link in his signature (or "personal website" - less likely)
If you could figure out who used that link in his signature, you can report that post, which will cause the mods to remove his signature and maybe even ban him. That way, nobody will get this virus pop-up anymore.

How to search for it: in Chrome, do ctrl + U. In other browsers, look for a function which says "Show Source" or something. ctrl + f > "dropbox" and you'll see what linked to it.

For example, I looked up "soundcloud", which is in my signature. You can easily spot it's me who has got that in a signature...
<div id="post_message_1808620">


			Apparently that dropbox link is infected (or false positive). Search for the link on the page and report that user...You'd do something good for everyone here. You can't get any virus by not clicking on it btw..


		<!-- / message -->





		<!-- sig -->

			<div style="overflow: hidden; max-height: 250px;">

				__________________<br />

				<a href="http://soundcloud.com/jeroen23b" target="_blank"><img src="http://i737.photobucket.com/albums/xx17/_MM_IKKE/Fullsignature-1.png" border="0" alt="" /></a><br />

<font size="1">Click image to see my music.<br />

By: Dovakhiin - [S4S]Murphy - UKF Dubstep</font><br />

<br />



		<!-- / sig -->







	<td class="alt2" style="border: 1px solid #DFDFDF; border-top: 0px">


<img class="inlineimg" src="images/statusicon/user_online.gif" alt="[MM]IKKE is nu online" border="0" />


			<span id="reputationmenu_1808620"><a href="reputation.php?p=1808620" rel="nofollow" id="reputation_1808620"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/buttons/reputation.png" alt="Reputatie aan [MM]IKKE toekennen" border="0" /></a></span>

			<script type="text/javascript"> vbrep_register("1808620")</script>



		<a href="report.php?p=1808620" rel="nofollow"><img class="inlineimg" src="images/buttons/report.png" alt="Kwalijk bericht rapporteren" border="0" /></a>




Messages In This Thread
dafuq? o_O - by BaubaS - 19.04.2012, 12:30
Re: dafuq? o_O - by Dripac - 19.04.2012, 12:31
Re: dafuq? o_O - by BaubaS - 19.04.2012, 12:33
Re: dafuq? o_O - by [MM]IKKE - 19.04.2012, 13:30
Re: dafuq? o_O - by [UE]Milan - 19.04.2012, 14:21
Re: dafuq? o_O - by BaubaS - 19.04.2012, 14:52
Re: dafuq? o_O - by [MM]IKKE - 19.04.2012, 16:28
Re: dafuq? o_O - by Potassium - 20.04.2012, 02:03

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