[FilterScript] [FS][0.2.X] Minimized (alt+tab - AFK) Kicker

Uses the new OnPlayerUpdate() public function. Basically kicks anyone who\'s minimized the game (alt+tab). Not sure how it\'s useful yet, maybe for those who have to minimize the game to use trainers or address hackers.

Download via Zezombia (.amx + .pwn)
Download via UploadFFS (.amx + .pwn)
Download via Pastebin.com (.pwn)

  • 23/11/08
    [0]Loop removed from OnPlayerUpdate (should minimise server lag) - thanks Killerkid. and Seif,
    [0]Player given slightly longer to connect before effective (to stop connect kicks).
Feel free to integrate or modify this in any way you feel fit.
Thanks to [-[ERP]Karlip-] for the [0.2.X] in title thing.

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