Originally Posted by ue_falconx
Come on admingo why are you even using Pvars when you can do with simple method
pawn Код:
forward Checking();
forward OnPlayerPause(playerid); new iAFKp[MAX_PLAYERS]; public OnFilterScriptInit() // or game mode init { SetTimer("Checking", 1000, true); return 1; }
public Checking() { for(new x = 0; x < MAX_PLAYERS; x++) { iAFKp[x]++; if(iAFKp[x] > 3) { OnPlayerPause(x); } } }
public OnPlayerPause(playerid) { new tmpstring[128]; format(tmpstring, sizeof(tmpstring), "PAUSED for %d seconds", iAFKp[playerid]); SetPlayerChatBubble(playerid, tmpstring, COLOR, 10.0, 1000); return 1; }
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid) // to check if he is paused, onplayerupdate stops if a player press ESC so it's best to do this way { iAFKp[playerid] = 0; return 1; }
I dont want to know how much seconds a player is paused. I want to have a paused label above his head and when he is back in game it will be removed.