Clearing the whole enum

He didn't know because you didn't specified that you already set them to 1.

player[ playerid ][ pass ][ 0 ] = EOS;
player[ playerid ][ adminLvl ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ loggedIn ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ money ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ respekt ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ kills ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ deaths ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ owndeaths ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ skin ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ takedamage ] = 0;
player[ playerid ][ sp ][ 0 ] = 0.0;
player[ playerid ][ sp ][ 1 ] = 0.0;
player[ playerid ][ sp ][ 2 ] = 0.0;
player[ playerid ][ sp ][ 3 ] = 0.0;

Messages In This Thread
Clearing the whole enum - by IgrexolonO - 14.04.2012, 09:01
Re: Clearing the whole enum - by Cjgogo - 14.04.2012, 09:37
Re: Clearing the whole enum - by IgrexolonO - 14.04.2012, 10:59
Re: Clearing the whole enum - by IstuntmanI - 14.04.2012, 11:32
Re: Clearing the whole enum - by IgrexolonO - 14.04.2012, 11:33
Re : Re: Clearing the whole enum - by IstuntmanI - 14.04.2012, 11:34
Re: Clearing the whole enum - by rjjj - 14.04.2012, 13:19

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