ID objects command

This could enable for people to steal map ideas from servers. There is no client sided command, but this can be scripted.

Messages In This Thread
ID objects command - by alanbr00 - 11.04.2012, 08:04
Re: ID objects command - by Babul - 11.04.2012, 11:46
Re: ID objects command - by BlueBerry - 11.04.2012, 14:29
Re: ID objects command - by alanbr00 - 12.04.2012, 04:41
Re: ID objects command - by Ocidorn - 13.04.2012, 02:51
Re: ID objects command - by ReneG - 13.04.2012, 03:10
Re: ID objects command - by Ocidorn - 13.04.2012, 03:18
Re: ID objects command - by ReneG - 13.04.2012, 03:27

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