How would I do this?

I want it to be like this;
pawn Код:
format(string, sizeof(string), "Please input the ID of the player", Info[0][sIn]);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, " Dialog Text", string, "OK", "");
This is EXAMPLE code, I want the Dialog to display the Name of the player to be displayed in anther dialog, that uses
Info[0][sIn] in a dialog List formation though.
That way, the input text sets it to the name.
pawn Код:
if(dialogid == DIALOG)
            Info[0][sIn] = strlen(inputtext);

Messages In This Thread
How would I do this? - by Lynn - 10.04.2012, 02:08
Re: How would I do this? - by Jonny5 - 10.04.2012, 03:11

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