18.11.2008, 22:37
Originally Posted by [LSB
Erkan ]
OK suggestions: /rban (rangeban), /nban (nameban), /unbann(unbanname),/ptp (player to player teleport), /fban (fakeban for annoying ppl i love that ). If i know other COMMANDS i will edit/reply here. |
Originally Posted by Berry
i have more sugistion
what about just fake massge like lats say i do /fmsg Error Prosising Player your mom xD |
Originally Posted by TTHP08
so do you lol :P
but how is this different from v-admin g-admin a-admin l-admin and so on is it like mysql based or something? |
Example of my (current beta) Core.ini:
MessagesTemplate=-OperServ- %s LoginBeforeSpawn=1 Dis_ConnectMessages=1 ForbidWeaponsAction=2 KillCommand=kill ReJailOnSpawn=1
Originally Posted by [DSK
Lazlow ]
Less levels. (better) It's not with mysql. |
Example of "Forbid Weapons.ini":
ForbidWeapon_1=38 ForbidWeapon_2=37 ForbidWeapon_3=36
One more thing, there is an anti-weapon with files: You add a new line to add a forbidden weapon. All the rest is done automatically.
Updated the commands again, request more guys, I'm currently done to /explode and think about a public beta soon.