Originally Posted by .FuneraL.
An Example of command Msg Dialog Box
pawn Код:
if(strcmp("/example", cmdtext, true) == 0) { new Ex[999] new string[256] format(string, sizeof(string), "Example\n"); strcat(Ex, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "Example2\n"); strcat(Ex, string); format(string, sizeof(string), "Example3\n"); strcat(Ex, string); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,10, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Example Name", Ex, "Ok", ""); return 1; }
Or if you are using ZCMD
Add this to the top of your script
pawn Код:
CMD:example(playerid, params[])
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_EXAMPLE, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, "Option 1","Option 2", "Select" " Cancel ");