amm, a noob question.

Originally Posted by PogoMAP
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Ī'm sorry for asking this noob question, but..

I have just created a filterscript, its a .pwn file.

I drop it in my ''filterscripts'' folder in the server.

How do I make if properly work, and is there any ways to test my filterscript without having my server?
And, you don't need to upload your .pwn files on the server. Placing the .amx files in the server would suffice.

Messages In This Thread
amm, a noob question. - by PogoMAP - 04.04.2012, 21:43
Re: amm, a noob question. - by seanny - 04.04.2012, 22:04
Re: amm, a noob question. - by donB - 04.04.2012, 22:15

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