[GameMode] Roleplay Gamemode(project closed)-from Scratch-Unique

Roleplay Gamemode
By Gavibro(aka FarSe-for friends..)


This gamemode was destined for my server, but the project had closed because there appeared some problems(in my life) and my free-time was drastically reduced and I could no longer to work at this project.

This is not a gamemode made from other gamemodes(even parts),everything you see on it is made by my self(ok, functions like mktime, sscanf and others like those are not ,obviously,made by my o.O ).

Well,it don't look like a roleplay,because it don't have factions or even jobs,but it was proposed to be a roleplay gamemode so it have some things from roleplay.I bet on unique ideas, so the features it have are very branched and closely shaped.

  1. Register System
    • Camera positioned on an dove and an bridge(SF)
    • Player need to complete a from with below items:
      • Password
      • Email
      • Referral
      • Spawn Location(LV-LS)
      • Region
      • Real Name
      • Sex
      • Profession
  2. Tutorial
    • Texdraws,which looks like a book.
    • Camera change after a time,in different zones from map
    • 14 parts.
  3. Car License
    • 5 license questions with dialogs and 'Info TD'
    • 3 car tests:
      • go with car through some barrels and must reach the end
      • go with car through some barrels and must reach the end with tires popped
      • Jump with a bike over a wall
    • He need to go with car from LV to LS and back without damaging the car
  4. Personal Cars
    • It's a custom Map,at N-E LV
    • You can chose the kind of car(~ all cars)
    • You will be placed in a big cave,where you can 'test' your car
    • If you like it,you need to press H to buy it.
    • Player can have 3 personal cars,'unlimited' personal cars
    • Cars will save in MySQL table,with components and numplate,parked position and others.
    • You can sell your cars.
    • If you destroy your car,you need to go to the 'Car Center' and pay to get your car(without components..)
  5. House System
    • Player can have just one house
    • You can look your house
    • House can have 1-3 Park lots
    • Custom interiors: 14 kinds of houses
    • here my works ends,so there is no /buy command..but the load/save/create 'system' is done.
  6. MySQL
    • Users
    • Logs
    • Tembans/bans
    • Personal Cars
    • Houses
    • MySQL tables syntax is on top of frp_h.pwn
  7. Admin System
    • Ban System
    • Temp Ban System
    • Some admin commands
So,it don't have jobs,factions or something like that,but I worked at it only 1 week .
Also for it, I've made a site, with statistics about users/server,control panel
Prevew: http://i.solidfiles.net/6e844b0c02.jpg

Download the gamemode
Download Website

I think no-one will use this as a gamemode for his server,but someone may want to take something from it(you can take whatever you want,I don't care..)

Have a look
If you can't/don't know how to setup a server with this,download THIS.
After that,download also wamp or xamp,create a database named fRP with phpmyadmin and press 'SQL'(Query windows') and enter those :
CREATE TABLE `users`( id INT auto_increment  PRIMARY KEY,Name varchar(50),Password varchar(50), ip varchar(50),Mail varchar(50) DEFAULT 'Undefined!',Level INT DEFAULT '0',AdminLevel INT DEFAULT '0', Spawn INT DEFAULT '0',reg_date varchar(50) DEFAULT 'NaN',last_time varchar(50) DEFAULT 'NaN',Money INT DEFAULT '0',kills INT DEFAULT '0', deaths INT DEFAULT '0',onlinetime varchar(100) DEFAULT '0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds',skin INT DEFAULT '0');
CREATE TABLE `info` ( id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,Name varchar(50),referers INT DEFAULT '0',regiune varchar(50) DEFAULT 'Unknown',DataDenastere varchar(50) DEFAULT 'unknown',NumeReal varchar(50) DEFAULT 'unknown',Profesie varchar(50) DEFAULT 'unknown',Sex varchar(50) DEFAULT 'unknown');
CREATE TABLE `kicks` (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,player varchar(50),time varchar(50),reason varchar(50));
CREATE TABLE `tempbans` (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(50), ip varchar(50), reason varchar(50), banlength varchar(50), bannedby varchar(50),cand  varchar(50),expire varchar(50) );
CREATE TABLE `bans` (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, name varchar(50), ip varchar(50), reason varchar(50), bannedby varchar(50),date varchar(50) );
CREATE TABLE `personalcars` (id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,Model INT,Color1 INT,Color2 INT,Price INT,Owner varchar(50),PosX float,PosY float,PosZ float,PosA float,Plate varchar(50),Parked int,PaintJ INT,Components varchar(50),Repayed INT);
CREATE TABLE `log`(id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,_type varchar(50),_date varchar(50),info varchar(100));
CREATE TABLE `houses`(id INT auto_increment PRIMARY KEY,Owner varchar(50),Name varchar(50),Locked INT,Price INT,NoParks INT,PickUpX FLOAT,PickUpY FLOAT,PickUpZ FLOAT,interior INT,	Park1X FLOAT,Park1Y FLOAT,Park1Z FLOAT,Park1A FLOAT,Park2X FLOAT,Park2Y FLOAT,Park2Z FLOAT,Park2A FLOAT,Park3X FLOAT,Park3Y FLOAT,Parks3Z FLOAT,Park3A FLOAT);
CREATE TABLE `lastmembers`(time int,Name varchar(50));

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