02.04.2012, 02:06
I don't see the problem i replace the OnPlayerUpdate with your OnPlayerUpdate on my test script.
Otherwise this is the fix version:
Otherwise this is the fix version:
pawn Код:
public OnPlayerUpdate(playerid)
new weaponid = GetPlayerWeapon(playerid);
new str[128];
if(weaponid == 16) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 16) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 10) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 11) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 12) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 13) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 17) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 18) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 35) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 36) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 37) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 38) // The weapon ID
if(weaponid == 39) // The weapon ID
format(str,sizeof(str),"ANTI WEAPON HACK: %s has been banned from server for spawning A Hacked Weapon!",Nam);
BanEx(playerid,"ANTI WEAPON HACK: Weapon Hack!");
return 1;