[GameMode] [UF] Ultimate Freeroam

Hey guys, i got an old gamemodei made back from a friend (he stopped the gamemode/community) so maybe i can make someone else happy with it!

I recompiled the whole thing to 0.3d, its pretty old so dont expect too much from it though

* Private Vehicle System (pVehicle)
* Complete admin system
* 3 freeroam classes, 2 deathmatches (army vs pirates and cops vs bikers) and a kart track 
Kart track NOT mapped by me! If you are the owner of this map then please contact me and i'l add you to the credits
* Laser weapons 
Laserweapon filterscript is NOT made by me! If you are the owner of this script then please contact me and i'l add you to the credits
* Several custom islands/maps (and road blocks etc)
* Fully compatable with MYSQL (you have to make the database structure yourself though) and Y_INI
For the basic admin/pvehicle commands check these 2 scripts:

Screenshots (in this case its renamed to "Gaming United"):

So this is a basic gamemode with a few spawns/features, you can add your own stuff (house systems, car dealers etc etc) to it and you got a full freeroam!

DEMO SERVER: g-u.sytes.net

Messages In This Thread
[UF] Ultimate Freeroam - by gamer931215 - 01.04.2012, 11:07
Re: [UF] Ultimate Freeroam - by Aloushi - 01.04.2012, 12:06
Re: [UF] Ultimate Freeroam - by H2K - 01.04.2012, 12:21
Re: [UF] Ultimate Freeroam - by Mr.Faqahat - 09.04.2012, 14:52
Re : [UF] Ultimate Freeroam - by Charles_Canadiens - 09.04.2012, 16:31
Re: [UF] Ultimate Freeroam - by Edu33 - 10.04.2012, 09:33
Re: [UF] Ultimate Freeroam - by FriendrS - 10.04.2012, 12:17

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