[FilterScript] Portable ammunation [0.3e]

Portable Ammunation
Some info:
It's has all weapons from ammunation with exact prices and ammo amount. I've made this in about an hour and i hope you will enjoy it. You will need 0.3e version for this script because it use CreatePlayerTextDraw, SelectTextDraw and TextDrawSetSelectable functions and OnPlayerClickTextDraw callback.



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Messages In This Thread
Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by eDz0r - 31.03.2012, 18:58
Re: Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by Eirikm - 31.03.2012, 19:00
Re: Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by eDz0r - 31.03.2012, 19:05
Re: Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by 2KY - 31.03.2012, 19:10
Re: Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by Stepashka - 31.03.2012, 19:12
Re: Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by T0pAz - 31.03.2012, 19:13
Re: Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by eDz0r - 31.03.2012, 19:24
Re: Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by Stepashka - 31.03.2012, 19:38
Re : Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by dydjyz - 31.03.2012, 23:17
Re : Portable ammunation [0.3e] - by Kutter - 31.03.2012, 23:26

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