[FilterScript] Tire Damage as GTA IV (burning of tires in the long slip)


This script adds to your server is a new physical property — the burning of tires in the long slips.

If you slip in a vehicle with rear wheel drive for a long time (incidentally, the range of values ​​specified in the configuration script) — the rear tires «burst».

All values ​​(min max duration of slip for combustion, max. Speed ​​slips; ID key slip, the tires for the combustion of the interval timer) «dynamic» and set in the define at the beginning of the script. The values ​​given are indicative and do not advise you to change.

As is now fashionable to talk about the script — the script is optimized. Uses standard f-tion and the possibility of SA-MP without extraneous plugins and includes.

v. 2.0
- Tires eats at a time;
- At the «bursting» state of the rear wheels of the other does not change.

v. 1.0

Author: Snoowker


v. 2.0
- Download — http://www.solidfiles.com/d/2ecb72c9dc/
- Pastebin — http://pastebin.com/eyiQrw04 (Raw — http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=eyiQrw04)

v. 1.0
- Download — http://www.solidfiles.com/d/549dbce5c1/
- Pastebin — http://pastebin.com/E1RnUQwx (Raw — http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=E1RnUQwx)

P.S. I am from Ukraine and bad know English. Translation is done in the ****** Translater.

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